Welcome To
Laurel Community Church
Live streams begin at 10:20am PST.
Friends, We Invite You To Worship At Laurel Community Church 9:30 A.M. Sundays. We Look Forward To Seeing You!
Your friends from Laurel Church

Upcoming Events
Our Ministries
Discover the Different Ways You Can Get Involved and Serve in Our Church Community
Seeking to glorify God and do what we can to reach, disciple, nurture, encourage, and build up women’s lives so they will live victorious lives in Christ.
Helping to bring children into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, and to develop disciples that will pattern their lives after Him.
Seeking to glorify God through the support and encouragement of missionaries who preach the gospel in the United States and abroad.
Engaging in discussion about Jesus and assisting one another to grow in our faith with accountability.

Service at Home
We know that sometimes life gets in the way and you are unable to make it to
service which is why we would love for you to join us virtually every Sunday! Today’s sermon:
“Parables of the Kingdom”
Mark 4:21-35
Pastor Josh Gard